Friday 6 May 2011

Football's Feel Good Factor.

Abraham Maslow (1943) comprised the human hierarchy of needs, a theory used in psychology which describes the stages in growth of humans, and the things we come to crave in our psyche as we develop as a part of a cultural society and/or environment. There are five categories which make up the triangular diagram often chosen to represent the hierarchy of needs:
Physiological – breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis and excretion.
Safety – security of; body, resources, employment, morality, family, health and property.
Love/Belonging – Friendship, family and sex
Esteem – Self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect by others and respect of others.
Self Actualization – morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice and acceptance of facts.

Football engages with all of these categories on some way or another, apart from the physiological sector. It is a form of employment for those talented enough, meaning it fits into the safety category. Friends and even partners are met through the love of football which is where the game falls into the love and belonging sector. Achievements, knowledge of the game or abilities within the game means that football engages with almost ever subject within the esteem category and morality can be affected when involved with the game.

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