Friday 6 May 2011

Football's Impact Throughout History

Throughout history, football has had its say in other matters outside of the sporting world. Football is the game loved across the world by all nations who have access to it, and therefore it is a thing in common which the whole planet shares. It brings the world together, even whilst conflict laden. Take for example World War I and the football match between England and germany played out in no man's land during the extraordinary truce of Christmas 1914.
Due to the war, many footballers were forced to give up their profession in the beautiful game and sign up to fight at war, resulting in the deaths of many of the game’s players. Despite this though, during the agreed, brief peace time over Christmas, the two countries who had been killing each others soldiers at war, decided to put their differences aside for a game of football! Soldiers from each side were seen playing football in the empty war planes, no deaths, no mockery or taunting, no bad language abuse, just a good old kick about. This event alone shows the power that football has worldwide, it provided trust, friendship and even enjoyment during a world war, if only briefly.

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